Sunday, February 11, 2007

Ink Practice

Here's some practice inking that I did tonight. I'm still trying to get the hang of using crowquill pens. It's been fun, I actually look forward to this. I've been placing mylar sheets on top of the drawing and on it, so that I get to keep the original sketch intact and more importantly, if I screw up, all I gotta to is place a new sheet on top. I still need to work on the line variability. I also need to stop thinking of it as tracing and more of re-drawing the same piece.

Both are of Abbie, I forgot to fill in her hair with the first sketch

The second one is also of Miss Locke (in the mornings)

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Maid of Might

I wandered over to Dean Trippe's website and discovered that a Supergirl meme had begun. It's been awhile since I've drawn superheroes so I figured that I'd give it a shot considering that I'm also not a big fan of the current costume. I still cringe when I see the Turner renditions.

This actually turned out better than I thought it would. My rendition wound up going from a more contemporary look to one of a 1940's pulp hero look. The biggest pain with was working out the color scheme of the outfit, because let's face it those colors can be a pain to work with.